
She looked like she was in her mid-to-late sixties, blonde hair, green eyes, a mischievous smile, ample breasts that she was showing off through lots of cleavage. She had nice round hips and butt, and even though she was sitting comfortably in a sundress, she kept playing with it and flashing her upper-leg, showing off her stockings. I barely had time to think about answering her question, when Marcella interjected with another. She was in her early sixties, she had dark hair, caramel skin, and big red lips. “How big is your cock?” she asked, batting her big brown eyes and pushing her boobs together as she leaned forward. Her shirt was pulled down so low I could see the top of a lacy red bra. “Uhh” was all I was able to get out before May saved me by teasing the two clearly horny women, and telling them that if they were that worked up they should just dispense with the questions and take me home and find out for themselves. My cock stiffened at the idea of these two women using me.. In minutes, they got so big that they began untucking her T-shirt."What the heck?"Jim suddenly realized that she hadn't specified just how much bigger than Pamela she had wanted to be. There was no telling when her breasts were going to stop growing. She watched in amazement as the two spherical mounds of flesh began pushing out of the bottom of her shirt."Holy cow!" exclaimed Jim. Her breasts were the size of basketballs now. "This is getting ridiculous," she said.She briefly considered using another pill to stop the growth, but this was just too entertaining. Besides, she thought, I can always make them smaller later. She reached her slender hands up and massaged her soft breasts as they swelled even larger.Almost a full minute passed before her round globes stopped expanding."Finally!" Jim hefted her huge tits in the air. "Gosh, they're as big as... um... watermelons!"Her giant mammaries hung heavily out of the bottom of her shirt, all the way down to below her belly button. Her.
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